Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Essence of Leonard

Today has been dominated once again by our new puppy who is still figuring out the meaning of "go outside?!?". While we still love him very much, our patience with the house smelling of "essence of Leonard" is growing thin some days. He has also turned simple things like walking around the house into an action now requiring the high alertness I remember having to have as a kid wearing our Sunday best to get a pitcher of milk from the barn for breakfast in the morning. (Watch your step.) Since the comfort of our own home is not the place I am used to carefully walking, there have been several "schmeering" occasions. Lovely. Then soon to be followed by entire 1st floor moppings because I could not retrace all of my steps enough to the point of comfort knowing that Leonard residue was not present any longer. Aaaarrrrgghhhh! We know its a phase, so by the definition of a phase, there is an end. Right? Right. (Oh, please let that be right.)

Herman and Leonard (just be happy
I didn't post a picture relating more
directly to the posting today, I thought
about it. Seriously.)


  1. Hmmm. I guess you now know one reason why we never wanted a house dog. I may change my mind someday, but I promise to never be like a certain little lady and her big black dog. ;)


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