Sunday, March 7, 2010

Church at ZKC with WLA!

Today, on a sort of, kind of, last minute decision, our family decided to attend church with my parents and brother at my old home church, Zum Kripplein Christi. Boy did we stumble on something cool! The WLA (Winnebago Lutheran Academy) travelling choir was at their church that day and was leading the service with their songs. They did a great job! It is fun to show God your praise a little differently once in a while and talented choir of kids is one of those fun and great ways to do it! I was unable to locate any videos of their songs, but one song in particular really hit home today. It's called the Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus) by Chris Rice. I know its not new, but today I really caught the words and it all sunk in. I was moved by it and it prompted all sorts of other thoughts about our Lord. That's what I call a good hymn! Here is one of the many videos made to go with the song. Focus less on the video and more on the words...


  1. Wow, powerful and beautiful. Thanks for posting it.

  2. Adam,
    This song is so beautiful, thank you for sharing it with us. I pray everyday that AJ is with Jesus our Lord, and if I didn't have Jesus in my life, I don't know how I would get through each day since AJ's death. Cherish each moment with your family Adam. I love you all. Aunt Jeri


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