Sunday, February 19, 2012

Levi's First Haircut

I have been looking at Levi's hair for a long time thinking it needed cutting.  For some it wouldn't bother them at all, but I must explain something to you about why it is that I am a nut about little boys (or big boys for that matter) hair.

I worked at a salon in Hartford, Studio 106 to be exact (shout out to them, "Hey!") and I did a lot of boys haircuts in that time.  What I could never understand, and probably won't ever is why, why in the world do they want a California surfer dude haircut, you know "The Bieber"!?!?

News flash, we live in Wisconsin, there is no surf here only fields with cows!

Day after day, boys (when I talk about boys I'm talking about age range (7-17) would come in with their mothers and pitch a fit about being dragged in to the salon for a haircut.  Really, REALLY???  
"No Mom, I don't want my ears to show!"
"Don't take to much off the bangs." 
Who actually likes to flip their head to the side about 100 times a day just to see?
You would not believe what I saw from these boys...
So needless to say I have a thing with boys hair, clean cut is the only way to be!
Okay, enough of my rant and on to the cute pictures!

Here is the before.  I don't think anyone could resist those eye's no matter what the hair looks like!

First I sprayed him down....

.....then got to work.

He has his moments.... like all kids do for their first haircut.


I think Levi soon realized that he was strapped in and not going anywhere so he gave up for the most part.  Besides the occasional head swing trying to look at what I was doing to him.

He did get a bit bucky again and I brought in my reinforcements.  Playing with Daddy's tie was a good distraction.

Enough so I could get around his neck and ears without him really knowing what I was doing.

Ahh, much better.

That's right Levi, give 'em the "sterling"!

Sorry ladies, he taken!  He's all mine, drool dribble in all!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week I mean Week 25

Week 5 was about organizing recipes and cookbooks.  So I have been trying for a while now to gradually take recipes that I love and are written down on a card somewhere and after I make them type them up on the computer and categorize them.  So in a sense I already started.  But here is the problem.  I fell in love, with a digital stamp/ scrap booking recipe card pattern.  You can find it at My Digital Studio, through Stamp'n Up.  I have not purchased it yet but have plans to.  So I stop there.  I don't want to continue with the wrong system.  


I found a substitute with Week 25.  Lately my hubby and I have been in a purging mode.  And he suggested that I go through my coats and shoes and donate ones I don't wear.  Is he mad!?  You know some of those things only have certain occasions in mind and you have to have the right coat and shoes for every occasion....  That was my gut reaction, then I thought, wait, I can do this. :)  And probably should but didn't want to admit it.  So when I was scrolling through the list of titles of other weeks in the challenge I new week 25, purses and briefcases (Ahem, or diaper bags in my case) was the perfect fit.  I'm sure that's where the hubs was going to direct me next anyway. ;) 

So here it is.  My box 'o purses on the table, with a little girl eating her lunch and a teddy bear watching.  Yes, I hate to say it, but I think I might have to many.

And I have green grocery bags......


and diaper bags......

And the current purse, and diaper bag that I take to the Y.

So you want to know what I am keeping?

A couple over-sized purses, a couple of smaller ones, my tiny faux Coach bag that I love for the airport and travel (not that I have lately but someday again), and a few of my favorite wallets.  I kept my green bags, I just put them away in a better spot, and kept the other diaper bags and put them away in the storage room.  I tend to trash diaper bags so it's nice to have back ups.  I also went through and cleaned out the current purse and switched my stuff over to the giraffe print with green accent purse, just for a change.  I am donating 12 purses/ wallets/ bags.  Wow that feels good!

Happy Organizing!
The Mrs.

We interrupt our normal programming...... share some very exciting news!!!

NOPE, NOT expecting (just to put that out there).

This past Monday Avery and I started the beginning of potty training.  It was getting to be that time, time to be a real big girl, and graduate to princess underpants, and ditch the diapers!

We had tried it out here and there.  Letting her sit on the potty chair, and even had a few accidental successes.  But nothing long lasting.  I decided to give it a rest for a while.  The whole concept seemed to frustrate both Avery and I.  I knew in the back of my mind that she could handle it, only going through a few diapers a day, but it just didn't seem to be the "right" time.  So with the holidays approaching and a little brother's birthday I thought that would be enough excitement for now, and we would pick it up again later.

Well later was this past Monday.  So I took a deep breath and got to work.... 

That day we first started in the afternoon, after talking to a seasoned expert Mom (I call her a guru), I had the pep talk I needed to start what I was really dreading.  Avery had said things to me in the past like, "I'm gonna poop in this diaper!"  Ugh, just what you want to hear, right?!  So I was wondering if her bullheadedness would be stronger then mine.  To my surprise, that night we had a successful tinkle, and poopy!  **Whoa, maybe this wont be as hard as I thought** NOT!  We also had one accident that night but I was just happy to have a relativity positive start.

Then the next few days were not as encouraging.  Lots of messes, lots of underpants changes, and lots, lots, LOTS of time in the bathroom.  Oye, it was not fun, at all!!  I was frustrated to say the least.  I wanted to build her up, but also be firm in that diapers are not an option anymore.  So the laundry was being done more, and the spray bottle of cleaner was kept handy....

But today there was something different....  

Avery went into the bathroom, and sat on the toilet by herself.  That's odd, I thought... I had to coax her into sitting practically every time....  Nothing happened and we tried again later.  

Also today Nana came and just the girls took a little trip to a small shop in Brownsville that is having a brat sale.  Avery had her big girl underpants on but a pull up over, just in case.  We were gone for a little under 2 hours, and when we came back she was dry!!  Awesome!!!

So we tried again, and again, and again, and finally success!!!!  Yesterday we had no success... so that was great.  Here is the really exciting part....

After just finishing number "2" she came to me and said, "Mommy, I have to go poopy."  Well okay, you just went but whatever, I don't want to stop you from trying. 

And with only sitting for a few seconds she said, "I did it!"

And sure enough, tinkle in the potty!!!!  Yey Avery!!  

(She basically calls it all "poopy" but that's just a technicality)

There was jumping, shouting, and dancing around, we were all so happy!  Avery got her marshmallow treat and a sticker on her potty poster.

And that brings us to 10!  3 stickers were from our past attempts, and the rest from this week.  So after 10 stickers we get to bake cookies together.  With that said, I do have a 52 week challenge post to do, but I get to go bake cookies with my little girl instead, I'm one proud Mama!