Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Catching Up to June! (pt1)

It's time to play blog catch up! 
Events in June happened and a few memories were captured!

This summer has been particularly busy for the primary blogger with work. I have intentions to blog about that at some point, but when it comes down to family and work... I've given work enough of the time! So here is a family catch up with events in June! Enjoy!

Levi had his first bout with cereal in June! 

He's not a fan, but always a picture worthy moment!

The Z's spent a day with the R's and our "not so little anymore" godson, Davin. 

It was Davin's big number 2!

As you can see, a newly acquired trampoline added to the enjoyment this year!

Avery and her "boyfriend" had a pretty fun time jumping, bouncing, falling, and rolling around with lots of giggles and crazy playing.

Daddy had a good time watching the fun as well.

The game pop the weasel comes to mind...

June also brought us a spur of the moment tag-along ride with G&G Zastrow "up nort" to a rather large dairy farm for breakfast on the farm day!

Large in many ways indeed!

Avery enjoys tractors quite a bit... but this one may have been a little intimidating! 

Speaking of intimidating...

I wonder how Levi was feeling during this trip to a park in Allenton one summer night?

Good times in June...