Thursday, March 24, 2011

Trying to Fill Those Shoes?

The month of February was a full one in the Z household. Most of it was occupied by a little guy who arrived on the first day of that month. Amongst many welcomed and appreciated guests that month was one Uncle in particular that goes by the name Uncle Effery. Of course you wouldn't know it if you asked Avery. Do to the order of arrival in February... Avery believes she has three different "Uncle Naffan" 's. I can't really blame her as I'd be confused by everyone being called Uncle as well at that age! As we corrected her about a zillion times while "Badley" and "Effery" were here, she was probably thinking that the Grandma's could have helped out a little when they were born and maybe, just maybe, named one of the Dave... or maybe hoos foos... or Marvin O'Gravel Balloon Face. (Dr. Suess... name that poem/story)

Anyway! Several have commented due to Levi's weight and height difference to Avery, that there could be a strong possibility that the narrow and tall and large footed gene of the L's made it little Levi. Maybe? Who knows?

Right now, it's kind of hard to tell...

We're going to have to pay attention and keep track.

Maybe someday the guy who isn't as tall as his Uncle Effery's knee will catch up to Ole Uncle Effery. :-) There's a thought, eh, Eff?

Yeah... I can tell.

It's pretty obvious.

He's coming for, ya!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Feeling Irish

Apparently yesterday while I was at work the Irish fever got the best of my family on St. Patty's Day.

I've heard the saying that "Everyone's Irish" on this particular day, but I just didn't anticipate it with my kids, their rather young age, understanding of what Irish even is beyond our bar soap, and my wife's hands being full with activities surrounding surviving each day with two little munchkins... err... leprechauns.

So imagine my surprise when I found a picture of these feet...

It turns out that they belonged to this little man and his rather fine (if I do say so myself) green suit. I think the bow tie really brings it all together, don't you?

He wasn't the only one catching an Irish fever though...

What do you think of St. Patty's Day, Avery?

I think she likes it.

What about Levi's suit? What do you think of that, Avery?

You like it! Awesome!

Well, I'm glad that you and Levi had a good time getting a little Irish yesterday!
I know I enjoyed seeing the pictures of you two leprechauns!

Hold on...

Wait a minute...


Don't you think you've taken this "Everyone's Irish" thing far enough today?

Now that's just gone too far...


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Right Back Atcha

My last post was a picture that my wife made claiming it to be of me. Right. Well those who know me will also know that I am more than likely to respond. So here is my lovely wife...

I find it to be quite funny as the picture would signify a pretty well off, pampered individual and I chuckle thinking about her reaction to seeing this. :)

As you probably are aware of, the picture is far from the reality. Instead, my beautiful wife has been at home with a fussy baby and an eager, no lack of energy toddler. I know I said beautiful, but did I mention patient, boundless in love, mentoring, and tolerant of an annoying husband? Yeah, all that too, and more. What a woman. I, a man, might be able to beat her in arm wrestling or jar openning, but when it comes to patience and nurturing... I've got nothing on her. Keep up the great work honey and thank you so much. :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Trying Some New Tech

I'm trying out some new technology and making sure that it's of course capable of making a blog post!
Here is a picture of my android version through the eyes of my wife. Interesting, but not exactly how I envisioned it. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Levi's First Photo Shoot!

Who does this foot belong to?

I'll give you a hint, it's not mine. Hard to believe right?

Ok, if you can't figure it out, I'll have to show you another picture clue. Would a picture of the person's hand help?

If you are still having problems figuring it out after that last picture clue... I simply don't know how else I can possibly help you.

Of course, it's our little man, Levi.
A person has to marvel at the little feet and hands of a baby. It just magnifies the miracle and blessing that children are. I'm told to soak up the little features as well, as they disappear quickly! I'm starting to get that with our experience with Levi's big sis.

Here's the little guy in a larger, whole form...

He had quite an afternoon taking pictures. While I can appreciate pictures afterwards and the memories they help preserve years later... I am not the most patient picture participant. I can only imagine what it is like for a little guy like Levi. It has to be a long, grueling experience. Once again however, while I sympathize, I still appreciate them when I see pictures like the next one.

"Mommy is my hairstylist... I was going for the edgy mysterious look. Thanks Mom!"

Of course when you are involved in a lengthy complete photo shoot not all of the pictures are of you being "spot on". There are a few pictures of the subjects just being themselves and waiting for the cue to be ready. Sometimes those turn out to be great photos and funny moments as well.

Here's one of Levi listening to a conversation off camera and Avery watching the crew adjust the equipment. Now there's a real moment. Lol.

Avery - "I wonder if I get anything cool after this is over."
 Levi - "So many fuzzies in so many places. I feel weird."

Here is another "real" moment. Levi just waiting for the lights and camera adjustments, I'm sure.

"What should I have for lunch? I wonder how long this is going to go yet? Do the Brewers really have a shot at the pennant this year? What's the deal with Fielder anyway?"

I can't end without a picture of everyone looking forward and ready though.

That just wouldn't be right.

Say, "Cheese"!